Monday 28 September 2015

The Ganesh festival in Maharashtra, India

The Sarvajanik Ganesh Utsav is started from 1984. The collective communal celebration of the festival of Lord Ganesha. During the month of August or September each year, the city celebrates the Hindu festival of Lord Ganesha. Almost every neighborhood puts up a pandal with an idol of Lord Ganesha. The 10-day festival culminates in a carnival-like procession along the busy thoroughfares of the city, with every pandal leading the idol on a float to finally immerse (visarjan) it in the local rivers.

In these days people enjoys lot and as well in visarjan miravnuk. In the city of pune there are many sarvajanik mandal but there are 5 Manache Ganpati are the respected and revered Ganpati idols. The five manache ganpati are Kasba Ganpati, Tambdi Jogeshwari, Guruji Taalim, Tulshibaug and Kesariwada. 

In This year it has be decided that all 5 manache Ganpatis viz. Kasba Ganpati, Tambdi Jogeshwari, Guruji Taalim, Tulshibaug and Kesariwada will be immersed in confined artificial ponds.

Kasba Ganpati
Manacha Pahila(first) Ganpati 

Tambadi Jogeshwari Ganpati
 Manacha Dusra(second) Ganpati

Guruji Talim Ganpati
 Manacha Tisra(third) Ganpati

Tulshibaugh Ganpati
Manacha Chautha(fourth) Ganpati

Keasariwada Ganpati
Manacha Pachva(fifth) Ganpati

May Lord ganesha makes your life beautifull, happy, and peacefull.

Ganpati bappa Morya!!
MangalMurti Morya!!

Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Yaaaa!!! 


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Saturday 26 September 2015

Symtoms of Dengue


Dengue is transmitted by mosquitoes.

It is an acute, infectious, tropical viral disease characterized by fever, severe myalgias, and rash.

 Each year, dengue affects tens of millions of people, and an estimated 2.5 billion live in areas which are at risk of epidemic transmission.  Each year, the hemorrhagic form of the disease affects up to hundreds of thousands of people.  

Dengue, a flavivirus in the family Arboviridae, has four known serotypes (varieties recognized as distinct by the immune system).  The most severe form of the disease is dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is characterized by thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and shock.  The hemorrhagic form continues to be the leading viral hemorrhagic fever in the world.

Symptoms include severe joint and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, exhaustion, and rash.

Preventing Dengue Fever

  • Take steps to cover your skin

    Try to ware full sleeves shirts which cover your body or we can say skin.


  • Avoid mosquitoes: 

    Use mosquito killer in your home.

    Dont Save water for long time.  



Friday 25 September 2015

The Baji Prabhu Deshpande the great worrier...

Baji Prabhu Deshpande (c. 1615-1660) was a Minister/Count (also known as Sardar) and commander for Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. In the battle of pawan khind he had main role stop enemy at pawan khind still Shivaji Maharaj does not reach at Vishalgad.Earlier pawan khind is known as ghod khind. Baji Pradhu Deshpade died in that battle after  that ghod khind is replace as pawan khind.

After defeating Afjal Khan and the rout of the Bijapuri army at Pratapgad, Shivaji continued to push deep into Bijapuri territory. Within a few days, the Marathas captured Panhala (near the city of Kolhapur). Meanwhile another Maratha force, led by Netaji Palkar, pushed straight on towards Bijapur. Bijapur repulsed this attack, forcing Shivaji and few of his sardars to retreat to Panhala Gad (fort).

At that time bijapuri force led by Siddhi Johar. Discovering Shivaji Maharaj's location, Johar laid siege to Panhala. Netaji Palkar made repeated attempts to break the Bijapuri siege from outside, but these failed.

Finally a very audacious and high risk plan was hatched and put into action: Shivaji, Baji Prabhu Deshpande with a select band of troops would attempt to break through the siege at the night, and make for Vishalgad. In order to deceive the Bijapuri forces, who would give a chase once they found that Shivaji had broken the siege, Shiva kashid he is  Nhavi(barbar), who had an uncanny physical resemblance to Shivaji, volunteered to dress like the king and let himself be captured.

On a stormy full moon's night (night of Guru Pournima, Ashadh Paurnima) a band of 600 select men, led by Baji Prabhu and Shivaji, broke through the siege. They were hotly pursued by the Bijapuri force. As planned, Shiva Nhavi allowed himself to be captured and taken back to the Bijapuri camp, fully comprehending that he would be put to death once the charade was discovered. This sacrifice, however gave the fleeing Maratha force some breathing space.

As soon as the Bijapuri force realized their mistake, the chase was on again, led by Siddhi Masood, the son-in-law of Siddhi Johar. Near the pass of Ghodkhind (Horse's Pass), the Marathas made a final stand. Shivaji maharaj and half of the Maratha force pushed for Vishalgadh, while Bajiprabhu and the remaining Bandal Sena of about 300 men blocked the pass and fought with 4000 number of mughal soldiers in pavankhind.

At the time of moving shivaji maharaj at vishal gad baji prabhu deshapande said as you reach at the vishal gad just give five blast from vishal gad to understand me you are reached at vishal gad.

Tradition and legend describe feats of valour displayed by the Marathas during this rear guard action. Through the entire battle, Baji Prabhu, even though grievously injured, continued fighting, inspiring his men to fight on until Shivaji's safe journey to Vishalgadh was signaled by the firing of three cannon volleys. It should be mentioned that when Shivaji approached Vishalgad with 300 men, the fort was already under siege by another Bijapuri sardars Suryarao Surve and Jaswantrao Dalvi. Shivaji with his 300 men had to defeat Surve to reach the fort.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Self Defence for womens.

Would you be able to defend yourself and your loved ones if someone were to physically attack you?

Alays remember that prevention is the best self defence. Attackers, whatever their objectives, are looking for target us. So be sure to follow general safety tips like being aware of your surrounding peoples and be aware of there movements, only walking and parking in well-lit areas, keeping your keys in hand as you approach your door or car, varying your route and times of travel, and other personal security precautions.

Apart from avoiding confrontation, if you can defuse a situation or get away—by handing over your wallet/purse or whatever they want, do that. Hand over your money rather than fight. Nothing you own is worth more than your life or health.

As soon as the attacker touches you or it’s clear that escape isn’t possible, shout loudly (“BACK OFF!”) and push back at him or her. This does two things: it signals for help and it lets the attacker know you’re not an easy target. 

Attacker still come closer and try to make damaged you so aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knee, and legs.

Depending on the position of the attacker and how close he is will determine where you will strike and with what part of your body you will employ. Do not step in closer, say, to strike his nose with your hand, when you can reach his knee with a kick.

When striking a target on the upper half of the body you will use your hand. Effective strikes can be made with the outer edge of your hand in a knife hand position, a palm strike or knuckle blow for softer targets or a tightly curled fist.

Here is some techniques shows in photo.


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Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Historic Sinhgad


Previously called as Kondhana. Sinhagad is located 30 kilometers southwest of the city of pune. It was also strategically located at the centre of a string of other forts such as Rajgad, Purandar and Torna. There are many history done on sinhagad one of that TANAJI MALUSARE. When sinhgad comes in picture every people knows that sentence which said by chatrapati shivaji maharaj that is "GAD AALA PAN SINH GELA" that is  "WE GAINED THE FORT, BUT LOST THE LION".

 At Chatrapati Shivaji' Maharaj's request, he pledged to recapture the fortress of Kondhana. He received the summons while at his son's wedding, and said "ADHI LAGIN KONDHANYACH MAG MAJHYA RAYBACH" that is First I attend marriage of kondhana (recapture kondhana) and the I will attend my son's marrieage  and immediately left the festivities. Tanaji and his troops scaled the fort with the help of domesticated monitor lizard her name was shevanti (ghorpad in Marathi), to whom they tied ropes and sent crawling up to the top of the ramparts. (The ghorpad grows up to 1.8m in length, and its natural habitat is rocky terrain, which it scales by gripping crevices with its strong claws). Tanaji's pet ghorpad successfully climbed the ramparts after two failed attempts. Tanaji and his men than climbed the fort in pitch darkness. He and his men recaptured the fort from Udaybhan Rathod, fortkeeper of Jai Singh.
A fierce combat took place between Tanaji and Udaybhan. Udaybhan managed to rid Tanaji of his shield, but Tanaji fought on by tying a cloth over one of his hands and using it to ward off Uday Bhan's sword attacks. Despite a lengthy fight, Tanaji was killed in battle, and Shivaji Maharaj renamed the fort from Kondana to Sinhagad in his honor. Per legend, Shivaji Maharaj's words after hearing about the demise of Tanaji were GAD AALA PAN SINH GELA ("although the fort was captured a lion was lost").


A drop of water in lake, there is no identity,
But if it is on leaf of lotus, it shines like pearl,
Be in d best place where U can shine.